Monitoring Diabetes
Self-monitoring of blood glucose is an important part of diabetes management. The closer you keep your blood glucose to normal, the more likely you are to prevent diabetes complications such as eye, kidney, and nerve damage. It may take some time but generally the symptoms will lessen when there is good glucose control.
You can self-monitor your blood glucose at home. Blood glucose testing at home gives an accurate picture of your blood glucose level at the time of the test. It is easy to conduct with a portable electronic device (glucometer) that measures glucose level in a small drop of your blood.This is done by pricking the side of your finger with a finger-pricking device and putting a drop of blood on a testing strip.
The American Diabetes Association suggests the following targets for adults with diabetes:
- Before meals: 3.9-7.2 mmol/L
- Two hours after meals: less than 10.0 mmol/L
However, there are multiple opinions about the ideal range to aim for. Since this is so individual to each person, the target levels must be agreed between the patients and their healthcare teams.
1. American Diabetes Association

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