Foot Care Guide for Diabetics
- Inspect your feet and toes daily and wash with mild soap. Strong soaps may damage skin.
- Test water temperature with your fingers or elbows before immersing your feet because diabetics may not be able to feel if water is too hot. Burns can easily occur.
- Gently dry your feet, especially between your toes. Infections can develop in moist areas.
- If your foot is very dry, it may crack and possibly cause an infection. Soften dry skin with lotion, petroleum jelly, lanolin, or oil. Avoid applying between your toes.
- Report all sores, blisters, bruises, cuts, or other changes to your doctor immediately.

- Packed with 19 essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants including Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium, Biotin and Vanadium
- Strengthens body
- Protects against harmful free radical damage to body cells, tissues and organs
- Helps convert glucose into energy to improves vitality

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KKLIU 0607/2019