
Live-well MECOMIN contains mecobalamin, the neurologically-active form of vitamin B12 vital to the peripheral nervous system. It helps to regenerate damaged nerve and support healthy nervous system.

It is suitable for pre-diabetics, diabetics and those who have nerve problems. The recommended dosage of Live-well MECOMIN is 1 capsule 3 times a day after meal.

It is not advisable to stop any prescribed medication without first discussing with your doctor. Diabetic medication prescribed by your doctor is to control your blood sugar levels, whereas Live-well MECOMIN helps to regenerate damaged nerves. If you have diabetes-related nerve conditions, you may speak to your doctor about starting your Live-well MECOMIN regime.

Most people report a reduction of their nerve damage symptoms after taking Live-well MECOMIN for approximately 2-3 months at the recommended dose (1 capsule 3 times daily). Since nerve damage does not occur overnight, nerve repair and regeneration will also take time – depending on severity of the damage. So don’t be discouraged if your symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning sensation, nerve pain and loss of feeling are not reduced immediately.

Yes, Live-well MECOMIN can be taken with diabetic medication. If the medicines are to be taken after meal as well, you are advised to take the medicines first and wait for at least 30 minutes before taking Live-well MECOMIN.

Live-well MECOMIN does not contain animal derivatives, therefore it is suitable for all including vegetarians, Hindus and Buddhists.

Yes. Live-well MECOMIN is suitable for diabetics even if you do not experience nerve damage symptoms. Prolonged high blood sugar can cause damage to nervous system, leading to peripheral nerve damage and causing symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning sensation, nerve pain and loss of feeling. Diabetics are more prone to nerve problems, hence it is recommended to take Live-well MECOMIN for prevention.

The recommended dosage of Live-well MECOMIN is 1 capsule 3 times daily after meal. If you have been taking Live-well MECOMIN at the recommended dose on daily basis, we would advise you to continue and seek advice from your healthcare professional (in case you have other medical conditions). If you have not been complying with the recommended dosage, you are advised to follow our recommended dosage which is 1 capsule, 3 times daily after meals.

Note: Nerve damage is a major complication of diabetes due to poorly controlled blood sugar over a long period. Since nerve damage does not occur overnight, nerve repair and regeneration will also take time – depending on severity of the damage. Please ensure that you are taking your prescribed diabetic medicines regularly and watch your diet coupled with regular exercise for better controlled diabetic condition.

Yes, if your nerve damage symptoms are severe and you need painkillers to help relieve your pain temporarily, you may take painkillers as prescribed by your doctor while you’re on Live-well MECOMIN regime.