Facts on Diabetes & Nerve Damage:
- The global prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age has almost doubled from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014.
- The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 globally.
- Up to 70% of diabetics have nerve damage which can lead to amputations.
- The risk of a leg amputation is 27.7 times greater for a person with diabetes.
- 50% of all amputations occur in people with diabetes.
- 1 in 5 Malaysian adults is diabetic.

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1. Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics, vol. 2, 2010
2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institute of Health, USA
3. Diabetes UK
4. National Health & Morbidity Survey 2011, MOH
5. Mathers CD, Loncar D (2006) Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease from 2002 to 2030. PLoS Med 3(11): e442. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0030442
6. WHO 2017. Global report on diabetes 2016.
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- Packed with 19 essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants including Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium, Biotin and Vanadium
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